Whānau diagnosed with Diabetes or at risk of developing Diabetes can learn more about their condition.
We offer individual services to support lifestyle changes that can help reduce the risks associated with Diabetes.
This service is free and available to Korowai Aroha clients.
The Diabetes Annual Review is a service for those patients with Diabetes to have a free annual check-up. Once a patient has been diagnosed with Diabetes, either type 1 or type 2, they automatically go onto the recall system for a Diabetes Annual Review.
The assessment is usually done by a nurse trained in Diabetes Annual Reviews.
The purpose of this review is to check on the management of the patient’s diabetes. Out of this comes goal setting, this is done in partnership with the patient. Whānau are always welcomed to accompany the patient and assist in setting goals with the patient.
The package does not stop there.
Phone: 07 348 8454
Address: 1292 Hinemoa Street, Rotorua 3010
Hours: 8:30am – 5:00pm, Monday to Friday
Korowai Aroha © 2024