Our Whānau-Home Based Support Services assist whānau who have physical, intellectual or severe disabilities.
Access to these services is by referral from the NASC Agency. Hours of service available to clients are from Monday to Sunday 8am-5pm. In special circumstances other times can be arranged with the Manager.
We can also assist by developing an individual service plan which sets goals and helps to achieve outcomes which are focused on your abilities to remain active within your community.
We will allocate you with a trained Support Worker or, should you prefer a whanau member to provide these services for you, we can register and provide them with training.
Household Management
Personal Care
Te Whatu Ora (Health New Zealand)
Private Bag 3023, Rotorua
Phone 07 3431030
Lakes NASC – over 65 Referral – email admin@lakesdhb.govt.nz
Kupenga Hao I te Ora – under 65 Referral – Support Net – email SupportNetBOP@bopdhb.govt.nz
Korowai Aroha © 2024